
We want to be sure that we recommend the best treatment and solution for your hair loss. To do this, we need to know the specific cause of your hair loss. As we believe in treating the whole person, we begin from the inside out and look at all other aspects of your lifestyle which may be causing the problems you see showing first on your hair.

No. After your comprehensive consultation and recommended plan and treatment, we follow up with your progress for a minimum of 3 months. Depending on your specific needs, we might recommend more visits but you do not pay for those.

You only need to do this once in your lifetime, as the results do not change.


Yes we do. At our clinic, we can test for the following and more:

  • Alopecia (Hair Loss)
  • Diet & Wellness
  • Women’s Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Essential Vitamins
  • Immune/Autoimmune/Inflammatory
  • Neurological
  • Developmental
  • Acne
  • Chronic Pain
  • Detoxification
  • Traumatic Brain Injury 
  • And more

We will carry out four (4) different tests which will help us determine the specific cause of your hair loss, which will help us give you the best suited recommended plan for your hair restoration needs. 

Yes. We carry out a detailed examination of your hair and scalp, as well as microscopic analysis, with a generated report of the findings. 

Why TMT Hair Clinic?

We recognize that hair loss causes a loss of confidence and many are uncomfortable talking about it or revealing it to others. All our sessions are carried out in a private and confidential manner. We treat all our clients with the utmost respect and provide an excellent service.

At TMT Hair Clinic, we believe in giving everyone the best and so, our skilled and expert team of professionals are ready to help you with your hair restoration needs. We follow you along on your journey, using proven methods and products backed by scientific research.

We have worked with a lot of clients and patients over several years and have seen remarkable improvement in many. We want to see you get excellent results and regain your confidence again. We ask that you are committed to your journey, work with us and we will do our best. With this joint effort, you are sure to see great improvements.

Hair Loss (Alopecia)

The most common cause of hair loss is genetic and can be from your maternal or paternal side of the family. Male and Female pattern hair loss is known as androgenetic alopecia. Other things that may cause hair loss include age, nutrition and lifestyle, medications and treatments, medical conditions and more. Some factors such as race, grooming habits also play a part in the type of hair loss seen. Some types of hair loss are temporary while others are permanent. If you have more than one determinig factor, it might cause a more severe loss of hair.

Schedule a Comprehensive Consultation to determine the cause of your hair loss. Our Trichologists and Doctors are ready to help you today.

We lose between 50 and 100 hairs daily. This should not alarm you however, if you’re seeing more than that, book a concultation with us today, to help determine the cause of your hair loss. The sooner it gets tackled, the better the chances are of reversing it.

At TMT Hair Clinic, we treat different types of hair – Afro, Asian and  Caucasian hairs in both males and females.


You may purchase any of our products as we only carry those backed by scientific research with favorable results. However, we recommend that you have a consultation first as this helps to eliminate any unnecessary purchases and products you may not need. Having a consultation allows us to recommend the best products and treatments for you specifically. Each case is different and so each client’s need is also different. This will save you time and money and will also help you to achieve the best results for your hair much quicker.

If you have not yet received your order, please contact us and we will look into that for you.

Not all our products are listed on our website. If your recommended product is part of your treatment plan, please contact us and we will get that to you as soon as possible.


Have other questions? We would love to hear from you. Please contact us for more information.